Saturday, July 27, 2013

Marco -- ADOPTED!!!

The first, and one of the most important things I can say about Marco is that what you first see when you look at him in his kennel is definitely not what you get.

Oh my goodness those freckles!!!!!!

He is exceptionally excitable and nervous in his kennel and will often jump up and down making little barking/squeaky noises because he is a bit unsure and wound up.

Hey happy-face!

But it is like night and day when he gets out of his kennel and outside for his walk. He is the perfect little gentleman on his lead. He listens and obeys my request to walk close to me and seems to pick commands up quickly.

Marco perfecting his winking :-)

He seems to like other dogs and gets excited to see them when they walk by. I've never seen him play with them, but hope and feel like he would do well. On our way to the exercise pen, we also passed by the pony who was turned into the shelter. Marco was quite funny with him/her and cocked his head and put his paw up as he regarded whether this was a friendly large playmate or what else it may be.

Doing tricks for his treats.

He is good about not getting too distracted though and when I kept walking, he followed obediently

Marco has an adorable face with cute spots and he always seems to look happy to me. I love that doggie happy face and Marco definitely loves life and it shows.

Lovin' his affection

One of his favourite things in life is getting to run around with his toys and play with/be loved on by people. When we went in the exercise pen he sniffed around a bit, but as soon as I grabbed a toy, I had his complete attention!

Waiting patiently.

He is so much fun to play with. I loved watching him run after his toys, pounce on them, pick them up, and then sprint to the other side of the pen with them in his mouth.


One other thing I really love about him is that when I pick his toys up, he doesn't jump for them -- instead, he sits patiently and waits for me to throw them!

I just love the anticipating paw lift!

Check out this video of Marco loving his toys and his humans!!!!

Marco is a very accomplished sitter, and is quite patient when waiting for his reward. However, as much as he loves hot dogs, he also loves a good scratch on the head and/or belly. Having a loving, playful, and fun dog with me on a Saturday afternoon makes my weekend.

Such a cutie <3

Marco would surely make your weekends fun too, so if you'd like to meet him, he resides in kennel P4. He would love to show you how awesome he is!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Arabella -- ADOPTED!!!!

Arabella is a gorgeous shepherd/lab mix that is just a total sweetheart! She has such a smiley face and a happy disposition to match. She seems quite friendly with other dogs and knowing how much she loves playing, I'm sure she would play well with them.

How cute am I?!?!

She had a lot of energy and was quite bouncy on our way out,  so I decided to take her directly to the grassy play pen so we could play. She loved every second of it!

So happy!!

She is hilarious to watch because she has so much fun with her toys. She actually throws her toys to herself! She runs, pounces, picks the toy up, and then whips her head up and around while letting go of the toy so that it goes up.


Sometimes she will throw it out of her reach and other times she will just throw it to herself and catch it! It actually made me laugh with how funny she was. Here is a cute video of her playing.

She is also a very very smart dog. She knows how to sit for her treats and also knows when I get her leash, that that means that playtime is over. So of course, she playfully ran away from me every time I got close to her. Clever girl. But hot dogs will always win every time!

Loving all the toys :-)

She was awesome on the walk back. She loves running with me, but also enjoys a good walk. She paid good attention to me on our walk back and was quite happy to walk with me. She's also quite happy to just run, so she would make a good running partner!

Sweet smiles.

If you'd like to meet Arabella, she's in Kennel 29 and would love to meet you!